Paycheck Not Received on Payday

Tyler Dittman
Tyler Dittman

There are times pay is expected and not received on pay day. Before assuming there was a problem with your payment verify that you submitted a timesheet (if applicable) or that pay is really due. Review pay dates to make sure you know when to expect payment.

If you recently set up a new account or made changes to your account for direct deposit, it's possible these changes have not yet been fully processed. Direct deposit enrollment and changes to an account already set up for deposit take about 30 calendar days to fully complete. If you have a pay day before your account is set up for deposit your pay will be issued as a paycheck.

If payroll earnings are expected and not received on pay day there are some things you can do to make sure you speed the process of getting paid.

Contact your department payroll representative or service center to confirm a payment was issued:

  • If pay was expected as direct deposit, confirm direct deposit account is activated
  • If pay was expected as paycheck sent to department, confirm your department receives mail on pay day
  • If pay was expected as paycheck mailed to home address, confirm your check address is correct

Work with your department payroll representative or service center for resolution.

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