Tyler Dittman
Tyler Dittman

Technology Assets - All Company-owned wired or wireless networks and virtualized and non-virtualized information systems, including laptops, desktops, servers, tablets, mobile devices, applications, databases, telephone systems, and any other computer-based tools.

Personally Owned Devices - Technology assets that are not provided to you by the Company and may include personal computers, mobile phones, and tablet devices, etc. This does not include public devices (devices accessible in public locations either for free or pay use). Personally owned devices are not to be used to store Customer Data.

SkyCab Services – The multi-tenant SaaS application that the Company sells, maintains, develops, and supports.

SkyCab Corporate Network – The network and supporting infrastructure that provides basic compute, network, and print services to all Personnel. This network includes the various office locations, as well as the corporate VPN gateways.

SkyCab Production Network – The network that provides the compute, network, and storage capabilities necessary for the operation of the SkyCab Service. This network includes all facilities and equipment where SkyCab maintains Customer Data.

Company Data - Any data or metadata created, modified, transmitted, used, and/or stored by SkyCab systems or Personnel. Company Data may include Proprietary Information which is defined as all information relating to SkyCab’s business, technology, customers (business intelligence), business relationships or financial affairs.

Customer Data - Any information that a SkyCab customer generates that is stored, processed, or transmitted through the SkyCab Service and supporting SkyCab Production Network. Examples of Customer Data include personally identifiable information (PII) of the customers’ agents or end users or any credential information used to access SkyCab resources.

Service Provider – Any external entity that provides services to SkyCab. This may include other SaaS services, services or APIs used in the operation of the SkyCab Service, or third-party consultants or contractors.

Personnel - Any full-time, part-time, or temporary employee, as well as any third-party consultants or contractors. May include Service Providers.

Application Business Owner – Designated individual who is the owner of the application, system, and/or data store. This individual is responsible for the application and performs tasks such as classifying information, defining the security model, approving access, and auditing privileges. In some cases the Application Business Owner and Application Technical Lead may be the same individual.

Application Technical Lead – Designated individual or group responsible for maintaining the application, system, and/or data store, based on the Application Business Owner’s needs. Responsible for various tasks including the onboarding and offboarding of users, rotating credentials, implementing the security model, maintaining the configuration, and generating reports. In some cases the Application Business Owner and Application Technical Lead may be the same individual.

Electronic Protected Health Information (“ePHI”) - Any information in electronic form that (i) is created or received by a healthcare provider, health plan, public health authority, employer, life insurer, school or university, or health care clearinghouse; and (ii) relates to the past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition of any individual, the provision of health care to an individual, or the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to an individual.

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